Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009

if you are curious about North Korea....

I watched this film today. All of the filming was authorized by the North Korean government. Fascinating.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wow...that was interesting. Their lives aren't soooooo different, but their motivations are very different. The US has done some horrible things, but what will happen to North Korea if they ever escape the totalitarian ruler? No more scapegoat. I wonder.

    I'm more curius about how Jehovah views these people. They haven't had a chance to be preached to. What will happen to them in Armageddon? I wonder.

    This movie makes you think. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. My initial reaction to it, as someone who has lived his whole live in a democratic, capitalistic society is "oh wow, how horrible" which is apparently what the danish filmmaker was also trying to present as well (if you pay attention to some of his cuts and choice of soundtrack music).

    but then I try to be balanced and note the positives of such a society- there is no materialism, the pop media and it's glorification of sex and physical appearance seems to be absent... there are probably other good points.

    A christian cannot exist in this society. An artist probably can't as well. But in a purely moral sense, it is not necessarily inferior to western society.

    Of course, this is again only what the korean government authorized to be shown- it is probably much worse. I also understand why they hate america, but I couldn't help thinking during all the testimonies and propoganda "Why do you hate me? What have I ever done to you?" I'm not proud at all to be an american, but it is still the country whose name is printed on my passport.

    You are welcome.
