Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

Schneekreis (Snow Circle) texts

These are from a song cycle for soprano and viola, that I started writing earlier this year... during the last winter. The cycle contains 10 songs, 3 of which have no text. The text of the 6th song is not meant to be clearly heard because the singer gargles water while half-pronouncing it, but I will include it nonetheless. The text of the last song is from Kafka, but will be included even though it will probably make mine look bad. I will do my best to preserve the meaning of mine as well as of Kafka's text in the translations ( which will lead to some unusual formulations- but that's nice, right?)

1. Fall

Nichts ist so schön
wie Schnee am Abend,
auch wenn du mir fehlst.

Nothing is as beautiful
as snow at evening,
even when you are missing from me.

2. Mich haben viel' Träume

Mich haben viel' Träume.
Die sind alle schön.
...will die aber nicht.

Many dreams have me.
They are all lovely
...yet I want them not.

3. Den Körper Verlassen Leave the Body

without text

4. Vision

aber eines Tages
erhielt ich eine Vision
von einem Engel
mit zerbrochenen Flügeln.

Die Sterne schienen so hell.
Planeten starben in ihrem Licht,
aber an mir
schwebte sie vorbei...
deine Leiche.

Es war... phantastisch.

but one day
I received a vision
from an angel
with broken wings.

The stars shone so brightly.
Planets died in their light.
but it floated on
past me,
your corpse.

It was... phantastic.

5. Phantastisch

no text

6. Meeresboden

Hier auf dem Meeresboden
will ich dich sehen.

Das ist mein Wunsch,
wenn nur einmal wieder.

Hier ist es kalt,
und schneit kein bisschen.

Wie lange muss ich dich noch suchen...
auf des Meers Boden?

Here at the sea's bottom,
I long to see you.

That is my wish,
if only one more time.

Here it is cold,
and does not snow at all.

How much longer must I search for you...
at the bottom of the sea?

7. Lebensstrahl ( Life Beam )

no text

8. In der Anderen Welt

In der anderen Welt

wachsen Blumen
unwarscheinlicher Größe;
glühen die Himmel
fabelhafter Farben;
erschallen Wasserfälle mit
völlig fremden,
seltsam schönen,
hinreißend neuen Klängen.


statt Wasserfälle
höre ich dein Gelächter,
welches immer so leise war;
und statt färbiger Himmel
sehe ich deiner Augen Blick,
welcher so oft trüb wirkte;
und statt wachsender Blumen
bewundre ich
die unwarscheinliche
Größe deines Herzens;

obwohl ich mich hier befinde,

in der anderen Welt.

In the other world,

flowers of improbable size
skies of fabulous colours
and waterfalls resound with
completely foreign,
oddly beautiful,
ravishingly new sounds.


instead of waterfalls
I hear your laughter,
which was always so quiet;
instead of colourful heavens
I see the look of your eyes,
which so often appeared murky;
and instead of growing flowers,
I marvel at
the improbable
size of your heart;

although I find myself here,

in the other world.

9. Kalte Nacht

In der Kälte der Nacht,
als ich die Arme um mich schlug,
als meine Augen auf
die finsteren Wolken hinaufblickten,
nach etwas suchend,
das nicht zu finden war,

erschien mir der zerbrechliche Engel.

Ich bat ihn darum,
aber er wusste,
dass ich das nicht meinte.

Wie hätte ich das denn meinen können?

Er öffnete den Mund,
und von seinem lieblichen Gesicht,
erhielt ich diesmal
keine Vision.

Dafür aber eine Botschaft.

,,Der Frühling kommt
Der Frühling kommt
und alle Träume
müssen tauen."

Auf einmal war er fort,
und ich stand wieder allein
in der kalten Abendluft.

Ich drehte den Kopf nach oben
als eine einzige,
mein Gesicht berührte.

In the cold of night;
as I wrapped my arms around me;
as my eyes glanced upward
at the dark clouds,
searching for something
which was not to be found;

the breakable angel appeared to me.

I asked him
to go away.
But he knew
that I did not mean it.

For how could I have meant it?

He opened his mouth,
and from this lovely face,
I received this time
not a vision,

but instead a message.

"Spring is coming
Spring is coming.
And all dreams
must thaw"

At once he was gone,
and I stood alone again
in the cold evening air.

I turned my head upwards,
as a single,
snow flake
touched my face.

10. Die Bäume The Trees (from Franz Kafka)

Denn wir sind wie Baumstämme im Schnee. Scheinbar liegen sie glatt auf, und mit kleinem Anstoß soll man sie wegschieben können. Nein, das kann man nicht, denn sie sind fest mit dem Boden verbunden. Aber sieh, sogar das ist nur scheinbar.

For we are like tree trunks in the snow. Apparently, they are smoothly laid out, and with a small shove, one should be able to push them away. No, one cannot do that, for they are firmly bound to the earth. But see, even that is only apparent.

5 Kommentare:

  1. This is very beautiful in a classic way. I'm intrigued by the word "phantastic," and how it came to be. Is there a word in German for which there is no direct translation, and so you had to use artistic license to create your own? I understand a phantasm is an apparition or fantasy. Did you chose the word "phantastic" to suggest a fantastic phantasm?

  2. Very beautiful? Thank you, Devon. :) Words spelled with ph are usually of greek origin. This applies to phantasy and phantastic, although these spellings have long ago fallen out of use in the english language. In German, the two spellings ( fantastie and phantastie ) were both "acceptable" until a few years ago, when the Duden institute (german analog of Oxford) decreed the latter to be no longer correct. ( They also changed the spelling of Philosoph to Filosoph, ugh. )

    This "f" with which the "ph" is replaced is for me too practical and cold, and I insist on using "ph", even extending this usage into my English. (An additional, somewhat geekier reason, is that one of my favorite video games is called "Phantasy Star Online")

    I'm afraid this explanation will be a bit dull and disappointing compared to your idea... but I will try to invent some words for you in the future. ;)

  3. Haha. I suppose my imagination got away with me. I don't know if I like the word "fantastic," but I guess "phantastic" is ok.

  4. Hahah, someone once said something similar about my name... Stefan isn't very good, but Stephan is still alright.

  5. p.s. I suppose "fantastic" has become just an overused synonym for "very good". the ph-spelling is perhaps also nice because it doesn't come across in this bland, every-day way.
